2024 Musical Analysis #1

"Favorite Song" -Ft. Toosii w Kahlid [Remix] 2024 Music Analysis #1 by Amber Dennis Favorite Song was released in 2023 and is a very popular hip-hop and R&B song. It has gained my attention by my relation to the lyrics and the catchy melody- it is written in D major. The song starts out slow and steady with what sounds like an electronically processed voice then later Toosii begins singing. This song is a romantic, heartbreak, healing, and unlearning toxicity in relationships. As someone who has experienced love loss, this song quickly caught my attention and has helped me understand that holding standards for myself, and especially raising kids has set the bar up high. After finding someone who loves me and cares for me the way this song explains, I truly understand the meaning of "don't settle and affection is not just a word." The lyrics of this song are so deep, Toosii uses them to express his love for his si...